A cuscus is a marsupial and is a very cool animal. It is the world's largest possum species. The cuscus is native to Australia and the island of Papua New Guinea. It's length not including the tail is 13 to 26 inches while the tail is 12 to 24 inches!! It weighs up to 13 pounds and lives in tropical rain forests and mangroves. Cuscus spends most of its life hanging around in the canopy of the Australian trees.  A cuscus's diet iincludes leaves, flowers, fruits and small birds and reptiles. Male cuscusses are gray with gray and chestnut colored spots and the females are gray, with wooly fur, short snout, long tail, and small ears. It's predators are snakes, humans, and large birds and lives about 3 - 11 years in captivity. The cuscus is a nocturnal animal which means that it is active during the night and resting during the day. 

