Have you ever seen a Nudibranch? I bet you are thinking what in the world is a nudibranch. They are marine creatures that doesn't have any bones. Keep on reading to find out more about these wierd creatures.

The nudibranch is noted for it's exotic variety of colors and well thats about it because many people don't even know what it is. A nudibranch is a sea slug that has no bones so it doesn't have a specific shape. They are really small and the largest nudibranch will get no bigger than 1 foot and most are around 4 inches and there are different varieties of them too.

Glaucus alanticus 
 Glaucus alanticus look like they came out of an alien movie. It's hard to believe that these wierd nudibranches live on our planet but they actually do. They eat poisonous jelly fish and the Glaucus alanticus save the poison for their own use. They look like a black lizard and looks like they have short tentacles on there arms. (GROSS!!)
Hypselodoris bullocki 
This nudibranch looks like a cartoon. They come in ranges of color from pale to purplish pink. These nudibranches are smaller than other ones. They live from the South China Sea, (these species are also found in the western Pacific) as far south as southern Queensland. It is also found in north western Australia, Thailand, the tropical western Pacific, and the eastern Indian Ocean. 
