
Tigers are the largest and most endangered animals from the cat family. There were once nine subspecies of tigers: Bengal, Siberian, Indochinese, South Chinese, Sumatran, Malayan, Caspian, Javan, and Bali. Of these, three are extinct, one extinct in the wild and the rest are endangered. Tigers usually live up to 10 ~15 years. They mainly eat amber deer, wild pig, water buffalo and antelope.
In the early 1900`s there were about 100,000 tigers, now there are only 3,000 to 4,500 tigers in the wild. Tigers are hunted for their beautiful striped fur. Their body parts are used as Asian medicine. Tigers are easy to recognise. They typically have rusty-reddish to brown-rusty coats, a whitish medial and ventral area, a white "fringe" that surrounds the face, and stripes that vary from brown or gray to pure black. The form and density of stripes differs between subspecies (as well as the ground coloration of the fur; for instance, Siberian tigers are usually paler than other tiger subspecies), but most tigers have over 100 stripes.

The pattern of stripes is unique to each animal, and thus could potentially be used to identify individuals, much in the same way that fingerprints
are used to identify humans. This is not, however, a preferred method of identification, due to the difficulty of recording the stripe pattern of a wild tiger. It seems likely that the function of stripes is camouflage, serving to help tigers conceal themselves amongst the dappled shadows and long grass of their environment as they stalk their prey. The stripe pattern is also found on the skin of the tiger. If a tiger were to be shaved, its distinctive camouflage pattern would be preserved.

Here is a list of species and population of tigers:

Bengal tiger: Less than 2,000
Indochinese tiger: 750-1,300
Siberian tiger: Around 450
Sumatran tiger: 400-500
Malayan tiger: 600-800
South Chinese tiger: Extinct in the wild
Caspian tiger: Extinct
Javan tiger: Extinct
Bali tiger: Extinct
3/12/2011 10:03:18 am

nice job Sruti

3/14/2011 06:40:39 am

Interesting information. Good job, Sruti!!!

3/16/2011 06:21:10 am

Nice Article! We are so used to seeing tigers, did not realize some were extinct and endangered.


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