Where is Peru?
Peru is in the continent of South America. It is the third biggest country in South America. First being Brazil followed by Argentina. Peru’s Capital is Lima. Languages spoken in Peru are  Quechua (the Incan language) and Spanish. The equator is 0°1' away from the northern part of Peru. Peru is in the Southern hemisphere. Peru’s area is 496,262 sq. miles.

Bordering countries are: Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia and Chile. Peru is on the coast of Pacific Ocean.


Peru’s civilization started with the Chavin, Nasca, Moche, Huari, Chimu and Inca before Spanish invaded Peru. When Inca ruled Peru, two brothers named Atahualpa and Huascar were fighting for the throne of Peru, and then the Spanish, led by Francisco Pizarro, killed one brother at a time and occupied Peru. By 1572 Spanish ruled whatever Incas did.

Geographic Regions

Peru is divided into three different regions - the coast, the mountains and the jungle - Costa, Sierra and  Selva.  Costa region is a narrow strip of land along the sea coastal region. Sierra is the Mountain region (Andes) and Selva is Rain Forest (Amazon basin). The climate varies in Peru according to the regions. Mild climate in the costa, tropical climate in Selva and cool and windy weather in Sierra.


Wonders of Peru

Peru has a world wonder Machu Picchu (The Lost City of Inca) – an Inca civilization built up the hills away from major civilizations. Machu Picchu was a very sacred religious site for the Incas. Do you know this is the only Inca civilization that the Spanish did not get to at all? Interesting!

 Peru also has the world’s highest standard railroad. This is how far the awesome, breath taking ride goes- from Lima to Huancayo.

Do you know the Amazon River starts in Peru? Do you know the Amazon River has more water than Nile, Mississippi and Yangtze Rivers combined and is one of the world’s largest rivers?

Peru also hosts the world largest navigable lake – Lake Titicaca and the deepest gorge on earth twice as deep as Grand Canyon – Colca Canyon.

Other Facts

Its leading products are lead, zinc and Silver.      

The llama is an important symbol of Peru.

Some in India believe that Machu Picchu’s structure closely resemble the Sri Chakra (symbol of Hindu Goddess Lalitha).

Even though India and Peru are not antipodes, Machu Picchu (a sacred hill in Peru) and Arunachala (a sacred hill in India) are close to being antipodes. Sound interesting, isn’t it?

Peru sounds exciting and fun. Hope some of you would like to go there.

4/10/2011 01:48:57 am

guess its a nice country to visit Srikar!! thanks for all the details..

Ananth & Ramya
4/11/2011 08:36:10 am

Srikar, this is a informative and well organized article.
The location of Peru and its diverse geographical features are explained very nicely. It is interesting to know Machu Picchu’s structure closely resemble the Sri Chakra. Good luck.

4/12/2011 02:20:52 am

You know, Srikar, my boyhood dream was to visit Machu Pitchu (along with Kilimanjaro in East Africa). Now it is too late for me; but when you do climb the Andes, just like granddad is doing in the Himalayas, please do remember me.

Almost twenty years ago I ran into a BBC correspondent of Srilankan Tamil origin in London. As a student in the university, he had travelled to Peru as a backpacker and came across a bright-eyed young girl in an Andean village and asked her for her name. She said she was Indira. The visitor could not believe it could be so and asked her father, when he came out of his house to greet the stranger. The father confirmed that his daughter was indeed called Indira!

The old man explained to the surprised Srilankan that he admired Indira Gandhi who was prime minister of India at one time and called his daughter by the same name.

Peru is also famous for the Andean condor (the largest vultures in the Americas) who sweep down from high in the sky on to their prey feeding in the savannahs below.


Peru is also well known for its intriguing Nazca lines.


I also remember watching a tv documentary about an Egyptian pyramid, an underwater structure in the Bay of Bengal, another one in the Pacific as well as some ancient monuments in Peru are all aligned in a particularly interesting way. I am, unfortunately, unable to locate the website though.

well done, keep it up.

Kumar and Bhuvana.
4/12/2011 02:35:29 am

Your article is very informative.It is interesting to know that Machu pitchu closely resembles Sri chakra.You have narrated every deatils on Peru clearly and nicely. On reading the article we have a feeling that we have travelled around Peru. Congratulations.Keep it up.

7/19/2015 06:34:51 am



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