Intensia Blueberry Phlox
 Phlox are very beautiful and colorful flowers that grow from perennial plants. Perennial plants last for atleast 2 to 3 years. There are 67 different species of phlox.
 Some phlox varieties flower during the beginning of spring and the other varities flower during late summer. Some phlox plants can be as much as five feet while other phlox grow only up to a few centimeters!
The phlox leaves are usually eaten by dot moths, Schinia indiana, (otherwise known as phlox moths) and the humming bird hawk moth. Rabbits, deer, and groundhogs eat the flowers.

Phlox paniculata 'David'
It is easy to take care of these plants and practically maintenance free. Just like any other flowering plant, the flower head should be removed once the flowers have bloomed to the maximum. These flowers make good collection for vase. So next time when you are looking for beautiful flowers to grow in your garden, consider some of these 67 species

Some species of phlox

4/10/2011 01:47:13 am

Wow! beautiful flowers and how many colors!! good job Sahana!!


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